Cell no: 082 704 1774


1.    What is “Coaching”?
Coaching is a process in which at least two persons contract with one another to engage in focused discussions relating to present and/or future issues, to give you as the client new perspectives, help you unlock your natural potential, and take you forward in your thinking and actions.
See point 4 below of what coaching is not.
2.    What is “Business Coaching”?
Business coaching is coaching for a person involved in any business environment.

Business coaching can be divided into many specialist and sub-categories including, but not limited to: Entrepreneurship, Mompreneurship, Artpreneurship, Startup, Personal Accountability, Business Development, Business Growth, Business Strategy, Change Management, Confidence Building, Conflict Resolution, Corporate Culture, Employee Relations, Goal setting, Government Department Performance, Leadership, Management, Marketing, Manufacturing, Motivation, Non Government Organisations, Productivity, Sales, Succession, Team Building, Vision, Mission and Objective Setting, Writing and Publishing.

Business Coaching by Emmie de Kock Coaching & Consulting will assist you to identify, set and reach specific goals faster you would on your own; provide you with tools, different perspectives and structure to accomplish more through a process of accountability. In particular, coaching will assist in times of challenges in business, or if you want to take your business to the next level.

3.    What is “Lawyer Coaching”?
Lawyer coaching is coaching to all legal practitioners, including lawyers, attorneys, advocates, legal consultants, or any persons involved in an attorney’s practice or legal matter.
Although it is generally agreed that a coach it is not required to be an attorney to coach attorneys on legal practice matters, it may, in some instances, assist, if you are an attorney client, to talk to a coach who is an experienced fellow non-competing attorney who can relate to you based on personal experiences in the attorneys’ field.
Lawyer coaching by Emmie de Kock Coaching & Consulting can assist you to identify, set and reach goals you want; to develop and build a successful career; to start, grow or exit a law practice; to increase profitability; and/or improve marketing.
4.    How does coaching differ from counselling, therapy, consulting and training?
Coaching is not the same as counselling, therapy, consulting or training.
Coaching focuses on current realities and planning for the future.  Coaching aims to support, encourage, and stretch you to move forward, reach your full potential, and achieve more in life and business.
Coaching is generally non-directive, unless you require and give the Coach permission to be directive.
Although coaching can thus be similar to consulting, it is not consulting, as unlike coaching, consulting aims to provide immediate temporary or sporadic solutions.  Consulting often involves giving advice and telling clients what to do, while coaching focuses on stretching you to discover solutions on your own, which you then own.
Coaching also differs from therapy, as the aim of therapy is often to help you process past events.  Coaching focuses on moving forward, designing actions, and changing current realities and planning for the future.
5.    What outcomes can you expect from business or lawyer coaching?
Outcomes of coaching will depend on the outcomes set by you the client for the coaching assignment, your commitment and participation in executing action plans, keeping to milestones, and acting accountable.  As coach, I will require a commitment from you to be effective.
Generally, business coaching and legal coaching can be very helpful to improve competence and performance in the workspace, overcome difficulties, solve problems, create more positivity in the workspace, reach goals faster, and achieve greater success.
Considering today’s fast moving pace, coaching can assist to create the necessary space and time for you as client to “unload stuff”, order thoughts and emotions, assess, plan and reflect on your work, business and personal life.  Coaching creates a confidential and supportive environment that enable you to achieve your goals and live your best live.
Although coaching is a leadership quality, and can be of great support to managers in business, it should be borne in mind that external coaching is not a substitute for management.
Coaching will aim to build your self-belief, improve and develop skills, behaviours and abilities, and enable you to achieve the goals you want.
6.    What is “Consulting”?

Sometimes in the course of coaching, it may transpire that legal advice or drafting certain documents may be helpful or necessary to move forward.  In the event that you require direct legal advice, with your permission, I can wear my “consulting hat”, based on my attorney background, and assist as legal consultant. The aim of consulting is to solve problems or advice on a specific business or legal query.


Email: emmie@emmiedekock.co.za  
Facebook: Emmie de Kock Coaching & Consulting
LinkedIn: Emmie de Kock
Cell no: 082 704 1774

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